Release Notes Payroll

Latest Version is 146.0

Build 146.0 Changes


  1. Advances Transfer - Report. Bug corrections.
  2. Timesheet - Report.  bug corrections.
  3. Payroll Journal - Report. Bug corrections.


Build 143.0 Changes


  1. Employee Period Details Table - New column added 'Provident Fund Acquired'.
  2. Payroll Calculation Form - It will fill the Provident Fund Acquired column with the date of provident fund date for each employee.
  3. Provident Fund Report - It will show the provident fund date from provident fund acquired column from employee period details table.
  4. Leave Forecast Report - Forecast opening balance was corrected.
  5. Leave Forecast Report = Forecast Entitled value was corrected.


Build 142.0 Changes



  1. Payroll Item Sequences Form - New Column on grid "Show movement Value" that shows the movement value of payroll item on payslip next to item description.
  2. Pay-Slip Report - Next to payroll items shows the movement value based on option in payroll item sequences form.
  3. Provident Fund Report - Error is corrected on Emoluments Column.
  4. Provident Fund Report - New column added. It shows the termination date if the status of employee is terminated. If there is no termination on current selection, the column will be hidden.
  5. Provident Fund Report - If an employee payroll item option “Provident Fund Restriction Override” is selected then it puts to the Employee Provident Fund start date the Employment date.
  6. Payroll Journal Report - If the current period is selected, it will set the status filter option to Active, otherwise the status option is set to All.


Build 141.0 Changes


  1. Monthly TimeSheet Report - Shows error flag in case of one of the splits within one day is not appeared on employee cards calculation table.
  2. PaySlip Report - There is a new option that shows the leave statement of the employee on payslip.
  3. Payslip Report - There is a new option on the report that shows a termination agreement statement for each employee.
  4. System Parameters - There is a new tab option that user can set the default values for the point 3 and 4.


Build 140.3 Changes


  1. Leave Forecast Report - Bug Fixed. Change the logic of some fields. Forecast opening value, Department average cost.
  2. P.A.Y.E Report From - Bug Fixed. Payroll items taken from calculations table not from current employees’ payroll items.
  3. Monthly Time Sheet Report - Correct logic of split days. If there is an error on a split, the report will ignore correct splits and it will display the error.
  4. Movement Input Form Report - Bug Fixed. Value of employees’ total of each department was corrected.


Build 140.0 Changes


  1. Service Charge Report - Fixed bug. The service charge rate was ignored if the first selected employee had no service charge.
  2. Social Insurance Report - Correct rounding on limit when an employee becomes pensioner in the middle of one period.
  3. Terminate Reasons Form - The program does not allow the user to remove a reason if the particular reason exist on another table.
  4. Payroll Calculation - The program disables the controls during the calculation.
  5. System Parameters Form - Additional parameter in order to control if the user has the option to zero the loans installment values on termination or not.
  6. Termination Reasons Form - Additional option to zero the loans installment values on termination.
  7. Employee Form (Payroll Items Tab) - Fixed bug. Problem with restricted overrides during update process.


Build 139.7 Changes


  1. Leave Forecast Report - Correct actual entitle and taken leaves.
  2. Employee Clock Difference Report - Correct 24 hours clock behaviour.


Build 139.6 Changes


  1. Leave Update Form - The cursor goes immediately on taken field after save.
  2. End Of Period Form - When there are employees without calculation a pop up data grid appears with them.
  3. Bank Payments Export - New EuroBank format export.
  4. Update Version - When update the payroll, the new version is stored to database so remain clients does not start up with different version than server.
  5. Man Power Report - End Of Period wrong values has been corrected.
  6. Social Insurance Export AddIn - Differences with the old program has been corrected.
  7. User Access Level - Problems with user access level has been corrected.
  8. Payment List Report - If report exported on a period with no calculations, the find method will check on Employee's table.


Build 139.5 Changes


  1. Provident Fund Report - Report ignores the changes on the current employee payroll items and display values from history table.
  2. Social Insurance Report - Social Insurance export values (emoluments and Insurable earning) agree with social insurance report values.
  3. IR63 Report - ID Number added as an extra filtering option.
  4. System Parameters Form - On Bonus Salary Items Tab, user can change the Bonus 'Calculation Period' value without any effect on 14th salary.
  5. EndOfPeriodForm - Extra details, EmployeeId and DivisionId, added to the exception log.
  6. Transfer Employee Card Form - The utility has been expanded to transfer clock records from one employee id to another


Build 139.4 Changes


  1. Payroll Movement Input Form - Show the total number of employees on the last page.
  2. Man Power Report - Show the total of new engagement employees in case of multi-period selection
  3. Leave Costing Analysis and Leave Statement Reports - Correction of daily rate calculation in case of exclude calculation only service flag
  4. Weekly Timesheet Report- Correction of daily rate calculation in case of exclude calculation only service flag


Build 139.3 Changes


  1. Scheduling Manager / Weekly Timesheet - Handles the new flag "Exclude Calculation Only Service".
  2. Social Insurance Report - Uses the employepayrollitems table to see if the employee has Social Insurance payroll item checked.
  3. Man Power Count Report - The report can handle the case of multi-period selection.


Build 139.0 Changes

  1. Users form - Fixed bug, sometimes prompting to abort closing of form due to non-existent changes.
  2. Users form - Improved auditing
  3. Employees form - New tab to show most recent changes to related data.
  4. Hourly Cost Report - Exclude Calculation Only Service flag from Parameters, Display Average Hourly rate on grand total line, division percentage instead of company
  5. System Parameters Form- Exclude Calculation Only Option added on first tab.
  6. Leave Statement Report - Uses Exclude Calculation Only Option.
  7. Leave Costing Analysis Report - Uses Exclude Calculation Only Option.

Build 138.0 Changes

  1. Audit Log Report Selector - Preloads only data for the last 15 days.
  2. System Parameters Form - Spelling Corrections.
  3. Accessing confidential payroll - Employee Period Details behaviour has been extended to check user access control also.
  4. Users And Groups Report Selector - List of user groups report (New Report).
  5. Payroll Calculation - Fixed bug in bonus salary calculation

Build 137.0 Changes

  1. Payroll Items Setup Form - An additional option was added on Payroll Items Setup Form "Exclusive calculation from earnings service"
  2. Scheduling Manager Form - Two additional timesheet sorting options added (Employee Code, Department).
  3. Scheduling Manager Form - Show costing on timesheet option is only visible for administrator users.
  4. Weekly Timesheet Report - On view splits mode, the report now counts the actual number of employees.
  5. Weekly Timesheet Report - The total costing field is available also for total costing per day (vertically).
  6. Weekly Timesheet Report - Bug fixed when "All Departments" selected from Scheduling Manager Form

Build 136.1 Changes

  1. Fixed incorrect values for November and December attendance in Monthly Payroll Journal.
  2. Fixed bug where invalid emoluments shown on social insurance report for multiple periods.
  3. Fixed issue with loan instalments and movement not being updated when the amounts are changed after initial calculation.
  4. Fixed bug where the current pay frequency from employees table was used for opening employee values instead of the selected pay frequency.
  5. Use period detail information to filter employees in selection form for Payroll journal report.

Build 136.0 Changes

  1. Changes to several employee related table design to include Pay Frequency

Build 135.0 Changes

  1. Can now send IR 63 report by email.
  2. New social insurance export add-in handles weekly pay frequency employees correctly and also can handle setting pay frequency to "ALL".

Build 133.0 Changes

  1. New Social Insurance Export add-in.
  2. Moved legacy social insurance export to set-up and tools section of main menu.
  3. Added total new employees count to main screen status bar.
  4. Added constraint so employment date can no longer change when employee is terminated and any changes are replicated in employee termination details.
  5. Any changes to employment date are now synchronised with corresponding date in employee termination details.
  6. New employees email list report.
  7. Added Clock In/Out mapping codes to the Clock Parameters so that mappings can be defined per clock.
  8. Enhanced employee card calculation to better handle shifts where out time is close to or after midnight.

Build 132.0 Changes

  1. On the Leave Forecast report fixed some issues found and changed the handling for calculating opening forecast.
  2. Fixed a bug where night shifts were not being displayed on time sheet report.
  3. Schedule manager now highlights default schedules that are not yet saved.
  4. Schedule manager now highlights (user defined colour) any terminating employees.
  5. New schedule parameter to designate the number of days before a schedule is finalized and the Schedules Forecasts records are locked.
  6. Made net salary restriction in calculations more tolerant of rounding values.
  7. Changed the (legacy) social insurance export defaults to exempt holiday fund contributions for new employee records.
  8. Changed Man Power report handling for opening balances to handle multiple periods correctly.
  9. New exclude zero net value entries in the Payroll Summary report.

Build 131.0 Changes

  1. New schedule parameter option to control grace early-in clock time.
  2. New option on weekly time sheets to show hours.

Build 130.0 Changes

  1. Added a new field to Employees for ordering.
  2. New add-in to enable quick maintenance of employees sort ordering field.
  3. Added new schedule parameter background colour for half day schedule in schedule manager and weekly time sheets report.
  4. Fixed weekly time sheet costing calculation to not throw exception if there is now daily rate payroll.
  5. Fixed logic in Payroll Status View to refresh data when pay frequency or year is changed.
  6. Added new schedule parameter for excluding terminating employees from weekly time sheets report.
  7. Added new option on schedule manager to print empty weekly time sheets.
  8. Fixed bug where analytical option in Leave Statement Report produced incorrect values.
  9. Fixed bug where clicking on split button resulted in new row being added at the beginning of the grid instead of below the current row.
  10. New Time attendance audit exception report.

Build 129.0 Changes

  1. Include option to display worked days in Payroll Summary List.
  2. In Weekly Time Sheet splits are now counted as half shifts.
  3. In Weekly Time Sheet removed TA Card number column.
  4. In Weekly Time Sheet added new column for worked days per employee.
  5. In Weekly Time Sheet added option new column for costing.
  6. Added new field to Leave schemes maintenance to include leave as a shift in the weekly time shift.

Build 128.0 Changes

  1. New employee leave scheme template handling and designation of a default template for payroll items, tax items and leave schemes.
  2. Fixed bug in the legacy import of clock cards using "," field separators.
  3. Added new user defined schedule parameter codes for time sheet report invalid or incomplete entries and scheduled days with no entries.
  4. Added new schedule parameter background colour for scheduled days with no entries on time sheet reports.
  5. Added support for IR7 submitter, category, info and return type fields respectively.
  6. New email broadcasting facility added.

Build 127.1 Changes

  1. Include new quick Employee Insert add-in.
  2. Fixed bug causing an exception to be thrown when inserting a new division.
  3. Improved auditing for employee attachments.
  4. Can now delete employee attachments
  5. Monthly time sheet and summary time sheet now show "NE" for days that have schedules but no clock card times.
  6. Various Enhancements and Bug Fixes

Build 127.0 Changes

  1. Added new schedule parameter for weekly time sheet report remarks.
  2. Fixed time sheet reports to show blank entries instead of "Off" or "DO" when there are no clock card entries.
  3. Improved auditing from employee training details.
  4. Various Bug Fixes

Build 126.0 Changes

  1. Description in export file for Piraeus Bank Transfer export file forced to upper case lettering.
  2. Added new flag to schedule parameters for which day the night shift schedules (which span two days) are applied.
  3. Added null handling for terminating employees schedule parameter colour on Leave Time Sheets report.
  4. Added option to print signatures for Weekly Time Sheet Reports.
  5. Monthly time sheet report now grouped by employee Id when generating report, card numbers will thus show for more than one employee in same period if re-assigned.
  6. Schedule Manager now starts in first week of current period.
  7. Card calculation now shows more progress statuses.
  8. Fixed bug in card-calculations that was causing pre-mature termination of process.
  9. Fixed issue where card-calculations could not be performed more than one time without causing exceptions.

Build 125.1 Changes

  1. Added transaction handling to saving of Payroll Items records.
  2. Added option to display gender statistics in employee list report.
  3. Added option to include zero-attendance in monthly time sheet reports and also for summary time sheet report.
  4. Fixed the attended hours, public holidays, split days and variance fields to be correct and consistent across all time sheet reports.
  5. Fixed bug in Social Insurance export that resulted in duplicate employee entries being created.

Build 125.0 Changes

  1. Added Work Week Nominal Days and Hours to Work Week Maintenance.
  2. Include new Work Week Nominal Days and Hours in payroll calculation and also in the Hourly Cost Report.
  3. Fixed department grouping in clock variance report added options to print variance only and department new page break.
  4. Added support for division level deduction analysis, payment analysis and loan analysis for accounting entries.

Build 124.1 Changes

  1. Added option to display names by first name/last name or last name/first name on Payroll Journal Summary.
  2. Changed Hourly Rate report to display actual attendance from movement and working hours as attendance * working days * hours per day / calendar days.

Build 124.0 Changes

  1. Added new flag to Command Menus to handle system administrators' menu options.
  2. Security enhancements. Now Hash protects passwords. Passwords cannot be recovered only replaced.
  3. New password change form to allow a user to change their passwords.
  4. Only users in the administrators’ user group can change passwords in the Users maintenance module.

Build 123.0 Changes

  1. Social Insurance export enhancements
  2. Fixed Social Insurance Report to correctly show company name, tax reference and social insurance number at global or divisional level.
  3. Added analysis handling for service deductions and payment totals when generating accounting entries.
  4. Added new feature to terminate employees when using time-attendance mode-only from employee's list.
  5. Added termination details tab to employees form when using time-attendance mode-only.
  6. Added sorting option by employee name and designations are now order by description in Time-Sheet Report.
  7. Various bug fixes.

Build 122.0 Changes

  1. Added date format to clock parameters
  2. Added analysis code and analysis type fields to division table used for analysis when generating accounting entries.
  3. Added a new view For FileMinders Integration

Build 121.1 Changes

  1. Fixed handling of multiple shifts in Summary Time Sheet report to correctly exclude break time only once.
  2. Improved auditing messages for Loan Schemes maintenance.
  3. Added default action for Return Key to do Find
  4. Added keyboard short-cut (CTR + S) for the save action
  5. Default Clock Parameter Key of "XXXX" for Clock data formats that do not contain a Clock Code.
  6. Implemented Overtime Hours Field in Payslip.
  7. Added time to date field in audit report.

Build 121.0 Changes

  1. Fixed Social Insurance Export module to use period information for filtering employee lists.
  2. New Add-in for handling Finiris clock card imports more generically.
  3. New schedule parameters for defining multiple Finiris import file layouts.
  4. Leave scheme TRS Codes in Time Attendance modules are now grouped on leave type.
  5. Summary Time Sheet report include schedules option now shows leave codes on second (scheduled) details line of report.
  6. Bug fixes

Build 122.0 Changes

  1. Added date format to clock parameters
  2. Added analysis code and analysis type fields to division table used for analysis when generating accounting entries.
  3. Added keyboard short-cut (CTRL + S) for the save action in more modules.
  4. Other minor bug fixes

Build 121.1 Changes

  1. Fixed handling of multiple shifts in Summary Time Sheet report to correctly exclude break time only once.
  2. Improved auditing messages for Loan Schemes maintenance.
  3. Added default action for Return Key to function as “Find” for many modules.
  4. Added keyboard short-cut (CTRL + S) for the save action in many modules.
  5. Default Clock Parameter Key of "XXXX" for Clock data formats that do not contain a Clock Code.
  6. Implemented Overtime Hours Field in Payslip.
  7. Added time to date field in audit report.

Build 120.0 Changes

  1. New option in Summary Timesheet to compare actual clock times with scheduled time.
  2. New option in Summary Timesheet and monthly timesheet to include employees with no card times too in report.
  3. Integration with Fileminders, new option in Employees Attachments tab to invoke client.
  4. New option for user groups to hide confidential information. So far used to exclude Fileminders option.
  5. Fixed exception in Leave update module caused where there is no data for selected employee.
  6. Fixed some bugs in timesheet reports where calculation of total attendance was incorrect under certain conditions.
  7. Fixed bug where employee entries in timesheet were shown as incomplete instead of "out".

>Build 119.0 Changes

  1. New default schedules can now be either auto-generated or manually generated for a given period.
  2. Time Attendance Schedules can now have associated notes.
  3. New Employees Schedule Notes report.
  4. Time Attendance Schedules can now be locked for editing after a specified number of days.
  5. Can now select from all menu items to add commands to the toolbar (displayed using a default image).
  6. Fixed IR7 Sorting By Division/Department.
  7. Fixed IR 63 Sorting By Division/Department.
  8. Fixed IR7 Sorting by Division/Department totals bug.
  9. Changed Daily Rate calculation on Payslip to use mapped payroll item - previously basic salary by calendar days.

Build 118.1 Changes

  1. Removed Legacy Monthly time sheet reports from payroll
  2. In the generated accounting entries file, reference4 field is now set to the correct period for bonus salaries.
  3. In the weekly time-sheet print-outs, the reports now shows split details correctly.
  4. Import of clock attendance module explicitly removes commas when loading data.
  5. About screen now has a link to our Company website.
  6. Fixed layout isses in Time-sheet summary where Sunday entries were not always shown bold or the font was too large to show all the field.
  7. New option on Time-sheet Summary report to display variances only.
  8. Fixed bug in payroll Calculation where payroll run was reporting errors.
  9. Fixed bug in IR7 report where no employees were being selected.

Build 117.5 Changes

  1. Fixed a bug (introduced in previous release) where Social Insurance report shows no employees.

Build 117.4 Changes

  1. Added support for fortnightly pay frequency periods (biweekly).
  2. Fixed bug in employee loans module that did not update loan amount in payroll movement when a new loan is created.

Build 117.3 Changes

  1. Added new option to show the total worked days on Monthly Time Sheet report in the report footers.
  2. Added sub-totals to Monthly time sheet report when grouped by department.

Build 117.2 Changes

  1. Updated report writer to Active Report version 10.
  2. Fixed social insurance report to apply the maximum limit to insurable amount.
  3. The save file dialog for generated accounting entries now defaults to text files (*.txt).
  4. Fixed bug that didn't set the accounting entries generate to file radio button when saved in the system parameters.

Build 117.1 Changes

  1. Rebuilt entirely in Visual Studio 2015 with new release of ComponentOne 2016  controls.
  2. Fixed bug in calculation where the time from data of birth field was affecting the result.

Build 117.0 Changes

  1. Can output generated accounting entries to a text file.
  2. Enhanced auditing for accounting entries generation.
  3. All Data access routines re-written to dispose of memory resources on finishing.

Build 116.2 Changes

  1. Fixed bug in Opening Leave entitlements where updates were not being saved.
  2. Improved auditing in opening leave entitlements.
  3. Division grouping in Social Insurance report has been revised.
  4. Layout changes to the Time-sheet differences report.
  5. Fixed Sepa XML file Batch booking value to be proper-cased and not upper-cased when introduced in build 116.2.

Build 116.1 Changes

  1. Enhanced Update Tax calculations utility to include year and periods from, to.
  2. Added new Time Attendance report to show differences between clocked and scheduled times
  3. Added new Time Attendance module to show unassigned card times.

Build 116.0 Changes

  1. Added new parameter SEPA Batch Booking to control this flag when generating XML File.
  2. Added new parameter Unmatched Expiry days to control when unmatched entries will be deleted in the EmployeeCards table.

Build 115.14 Changes

  1. Removed completely the loading of all Employee Card records on start-up
  2. Removed completely the loading of a second set of all Employee records on start-up
  3. Auditing is now done on the fly (no need to compare old records with new as data is always inserted into database)
  4. All records are now imported even if they are unassigned except if they have already been imported previously. Note, unassigned records are marked as inactive.
  5. Renamed buttons from "Import" => "Load" and from "Save" => "Import"
  6. During the importing process, the unassigned cards are checked against the employees records to try and match any with the Card Numbers. If a match is found, the newly assigned records are marked as active.
  7. There is also a new button to explicitly try and match unsigned records.
  8. Added more descriptive auditing.
  9. All Auditing relating to clock times now saved in TRS Audit file (some were being written to the Payroll Audit file).

Build 115.12 Changes

  1. Fixed Bank Transfer Export issue where negative net amount was being added to the grand total.
  2. Added check box filters on employee details list to select new and terminating employees.
  3. Added sort option on Employees List report to sort by birth month, then by birth day, then by birth year.
  4. Added check box to exclude terminating employees in Leave Statement Report.
  5. Compatible with IR7 2015 Tax returns.

Build 115.11 Changes

  1. Fixed XML SEPA file generation after issues with the EndToEnd field. Now use the employee code for this field.
  2. Fixed opening daily rate issues on Leaves Statement report with financial option.

Build 115.10 Changes

  1. Fixed Issue where an exception was thrown when generating export file.
  2. Added XML Export File generation for Hellenic Bank.
  3. Fixed missing fields in Coop XML Export file.
  4. Fixed Terminating Employee bug when a new employee is terminated in same month and zero absent days were assigned.
  5. Fixed bug in Tax Calculation where the amount for a tax Item with reference "n/a" was not used in Income Tax calculation.

Build 119.9 Changes

  1. Added Terminating Employees number to Main Screen status bar.
  2. New A3 Time sheet Summary Report.
  3. Fixed Holiday Highlighting on Scheduling Manager screen.
  4. Initial Focus when loading leave update is now in the days taken field.
  5. Fixed clock file view issue with edited Time field not being moved into the Date field also and causing issues with ordering.
  6. Added new Piraeus export file format.

Build 115.8 Changes

  1. Fixed opening-balance bug in Manpower Statistics report.
  2. Fixed issue where Public Holidays (incident type leave scheme plans) were not displayed in the Departments costing sub-totals).
  3. Changed social insurance report to show analogous insurable amount instead of zero for new pensioners.
  4. Fixed issue of interpreting empty TRS codes as leave in the Time Attendance reports.
  5. Fixes wrongly formatted date issue in Hellenic NET transfer.

Build 115.7 Changes

  1. New Monthly time-sheet reports allow any start date range to be input (31 days maximum).
  2. Fixed bug in Leave Analysis Statement that did not show complete data for previous years.
  3. Leave type time sheet report handles night-shift schedules.
  4. Added support for U300 clock input via add-in.(Leptos Hotels).
  5. Fixed Leave Statement Financials which did not handle leave schemes with per incident plans correctly.

Build 115.6 Changes

  1. Added support for Virdi clock input via add-in (Four Seasons).
  2. Fixed bug where some Audit entries were causing exceptions in the audit report and report could not be displayed.
  3. Fixed bug where Net Salary restriction was not working correctly (floating point arithmetic issue).
  4. Added default employee weekly schedules to Schedule Manager.

Build 115.5 Changes

  1. Added some refinements and also fixed some bugs in XML SEPA Bank Transfer file generation.
  2. Added add-in to assign schedules to departments or make them common.
  3. Added filtering of schedules in Schedule Manger drop-down according to departmental assignments.
  4. Weekly Time sheet report only shows relevant schedule codes for selected department in page footer.

Build 115.4 Changes

  1. 1. Fixed a bug where week 53 (Weekly period in the year 2015) was not accessible for previewing after end-of-year.

Build 115.3 Changes

  1. Fixed bug in schedule Manger from previous release that was causing SQL server to not free/release database connections.
  2. Added support for XML SEPA Bank Transfer file generation.

Build 115.2 Changes

  1. Added support for designations in schedules and default employee designation.
  2. Changed Schedule Manager to include designation input.
  3. Changed Schedule manager UI to include an edit/save/cancel facility to avoid occidentally loosing input data.

Build 115.1 Changes

  1. Made Employment Start Date, Birthday and also Gender mandatory for time attendance only installations too.
  2. Introduced an "Add" button to the Clock View module.
  3. Weekly Time sheets printing from Manager Schedule.
  4. Exclude provisions from the Payroll Journal Option.
  5. Fixed bug in time sheet report where first employee in each new department grouping was not highlighted.

Build 115.0 Changes

  1. Payslips can be sent by email.
  2. Post end-of-period check for missing termination details record add-in.
  3. Prompt for movement completion during calculation stays top-most on screen.
  4. Designations maintenance screen added.
  5. Termination now adjusts attendance and absence to reflect the termination date except for hourly rate workers.
  6. Taxes maintenance screen widened to show more fields.
  7. Default Designation added to employees and designation can now be selected in Schedule Manager.